Sunday, March 25, 2012

Visual Overload

It seems as though spring is in overdrive this year--everything seems to be in bloom. Camellia's in full bloom are dazzling this year with heavier blooms than past years. Here are some blooming now in my garden.

The Redbud in the front yard started blooming a week or so ago.
The Cherry opened midweek and when you see it you can't help but stop for a moment and marvel at its pristine beauty.
The weeping crab apple in the backyard went from green bud to full flower in just a couple of 80+ temperature days this year.  Last year it bloomed very sparsely but this year it is loaded.
The last variety of daffodil opened this week.
A lot in bloom and a rainy wet day today so just snapped the obvious pictures of flowers that seemed to shout look at me.

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