Sunday, October 17, 2010

Angel's Trumpet

The Angel's Trumpet has bloomed sporadically this year but the heavy rain a couple of weeks ago and warm days were just what it needed to burst into full bloom.  This was never high on my "must have" plant list but I picked one up at a spring plant sale about 5 years ago.  I guess my reluctance is the size.  It dies back with a frost but grows to 6-8 feet and really dominates its space in the garden.  Mine is in mostly shade getting about 2 hours of sun a day.  In full sun they bloom very profusely.  My neighbor down the street has a pink one in his front yard and as you can see in the pictures the blooms are held at an angle from the vertical whereas the yellow are in a vertical drop.

I thought I'd show the progress on the plants that were budding last week.  In the fall the garden moves at a more leisurely pace--the spring seems like a race too often.  I think the cooler temps and shortening days keep plants in the bud stage longer.  Here are Anemone, Ligularia, Stokesia and Tuberose this week.

This weeks church flowers and an arrangement,

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