Monday, July 23, 2012

A weed free garden

This past weekend was a break from the heat and humidity. A nice rain, milder temps, perfect weather to pull those summer weeds. I was tired and sore but my garden is weed free--for a week or two. I took these pictures of the last blooms on canna and day lily.

The blackeyed susans are in full bloom--this is another plant that self seeds throughout the garden.
I've been trying to grow cardinal flower for several years with not a lot of success. It may just require a few years to get established. I've seen large clumps in gardens over the years and they put on quite a show. Here is a red one--the blue pic was blurred.
A couple of flowers in there prime at the church cutting garden is Sonia Sunflower and Prairie Sun Rudbeckia.

The rose of the week is Saint Patrick.
This weeks cut flowers and an arrangement.


  1. It's nice to pull weeds when the ground has been softened by rain.

  2. Weed free is a dream come true!! Love the Crocosmia in your arrangement. Have Cardinal Lobelia and it seems to be growing well. Hope it comes back!

  3. Such a wonderful feeling to have a healthy weed-free garden. Time to invite friends to enjoy the show.

    I also had several unsuccessful attempts to grow cardinal flowers until a fellow gardener advised me to keep it moist and partly shaded. I did and had more success.

  4. Annie, Thanks. I'll try keeping them wet. I've seen large clumps in gardens with 20 or more 3-4 foot spikes. That's my goal.
