Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hurricane Earl Preps

Hurricane Earl stayed well out to sea--I got less than a half inch of rain and winds less than 25 knots but I have a Weeping Threadleaf Arborvitae that needed bracing if strong winds came in.  Last fall during a Nor'easter I tied it to a stake in the ground but it pulled the stake and was bent over about 45 degrees so I tried a different method this year but it is still untested.  It has a large sail area so it is difficult to protect from high winds.  I took these pictures before the storm with the last one showing the bracing.

This flower has been blooming for two months but I can't remember the name.  Searched for it online but no joy--I'm sure it starts with the letter "d".  I've had it for a couple of years and it is doing better this year than ever--it seems to do well in dry conditions.

The turtlehead "hot lips" is now blooming and is a long lasting cut flower.

And these flowers went to church this weekend.  I didn't get any pics of the arrangements this week.

1 comment:

  1. Could your mystery plant be Dicliptera suberecta?
