Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April flowers

The garden is coming alive with color right now. Compared to previous years it's about 7-10 days later. The camellia's and azalea's seem to be more heavily flowered this year. My favorite this week though is the dogwood. I never saw a dogwood until I came to Virginia but it is a small tree that should be in every garden. These are blooming this week.

Here are a couple more Camellias photos. Both of these are about 6 feet tall.

The Solomon's Seal seemed to erupt from the ground this year. It went from just breaking the mulch to blooming in two weeks.
For the next month yards and streets are a mass of color as the azalea's bloom. These are blooming this week in my garden.

The Blue Bells are blooming too.
This is the curb garden week 5.
I did cut some flowers for church arrangements but didn't get any pictures this week.

1 comment:

  1. No pictures of your church arrangement? hmmm. Well I think that pink tinged dogwood makes up for it. What a beauty.
