Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wall of Flowers

This is the week that the large flowered Indica type azaleas are putting on a big show.  This side of the large azaleas in my back side garden opened fully.  This picture really doesn't capture the intense beauty but the close up gives you an idea .

Almost as dramatic is this Hawthorne which makes an impressive statement too.  It is about 15 feet wide and 8-10 feet high.  A better view of the flower is in the second pic.

When I was walking to the Hawthorne I noticed the white Camelia is still blooming--thats about 6 weeks for it.  There's a couple more buds but I think its about done for the season.

The two Deutzia shrubs in the garden are putting on a big show too.  I am always fascinated with their arching blooms.

And lastly this weeks church flowers.


  1. wonderful array of blooms Gene. You are correct-- with all that are blooming right now, it is hard to capture and do it justice.
