Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring or Summer

Seems like we went from Spring last week to Summer this week.  After 4 days in the high 80's with a warm southerly wind all the sluggishness of winter is just a memory.  I mowed the lawn for the first time last Friday (that's the latest I've ever mowed it) and this week the azaleas are starting to bloom.  The garden is in fast forward but with plenty of soil moisture the flower display is stunning.

The phlox in the curb garden on the other side of the driveway is brilliant in the morning sun.

As the plant matures it seems to flow as it spreads out.  I like it for its intense color and length of bloom. 

Always an earlier bloomer is this rhododendron.  It looks lonely now since his mate died off a couple of years ago.

In the same bed Solomon's Seal is emerging.  It reminds me of porpoises breaking the surface of the ocean.  It seems to like this spot as it is spreading more rapidly than I expected.

The Bergenia in the backyard is blooming better than I think it ever has.

I'm surprised that the Veronica has survived since it shares the same spot with hardy Geranium, Primrose and Creeping Charlie.

And the last flower to share tonight is a Lenten Rose.  I like the newer varieties better since they hold their flowers more upright .  I need to reach down to see the flower but it is still a pretty plant.  I've moved them a lot trying to find a spot that they like and I like.


  1. I really should get some lenten rose. They are so beautiful.

  2. Hi Gene, I really like the photo of the Solomon's Seal...I find myself enjoying the emerging perennials almost as much as the flowers this time of year. Thanks for your comment on my blog, I've just added yours to my personal list...happy gardening!
