Thursday, March 25, 2010


If there is one shrub that is characteristic of a southern garden it would be the Magnolia in my opinion.  They are majestic in bloom.  I have added Azaleas and Camellias to my garden over the years but always held back on adding a Magnolia until recently.  I think it was because in my roots I was a northern plains gardner in the south.  This came to mind today as I stopped by a local nursery for a little relaxed browsing to avoid the weekend crowds (I also had a 10 per cent off coupon that was burning a hole in my pocket).  It was there that I saw Poppy's in bloom.  Such vibrant colors and I wanted one but I have tried to grow them on several occasions without success.  They don't survive the humid hot southern summer climate.  I knew I was now a southern gardener when I walked away.  And when I got home I looked at the Star Magnolia in bloom and said to myself--beats the hell out of a poppy.

1 comment:

  1. I love magnolias! I have a pale yellow "Elizabeth" and a pink... uh, oh forgot the name "Jane"? The yellow I have had for about five years and it has been very successful - even here in the north (zone4).
