Fall is here. Cool evenings, mild day time temps and for me adequate rain. Everything is looking lush. This first pic is my curb garden. I've tried a lot of combinations over the past 30 years. Some looked nice but required a lot of maintenance and others never lived up to expectations. But Melampodiumin self seeds, rarely needs water, stays neat, blooms for five months and is free.
Ginger Lily is blooming now.Kerri is lush with flowers now.
Late blooming hydrangea.
Ground cover plumbago. It tolerates dry shade.
I had over 30 stems of the red naked ladies this year.
Tansey is blooming again.
Fair Bianca does well in partial shade.
I first grew Garden Party 30+ years ago. Still a great rose.
New Dawn is one of the few climbers that I like.